College Study Abroad Blog


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Costa Rica vs. Argentina: Which is Better for Study Abroad?

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Imagine yourself sipping mate in a bustling Buenos Aires café or lounging peacefully in a hammock overlooking Costa Rica's lush rainforests. These contrasting scenes represent just a glimpse of the... keep reading


Spain vs. Italy Travel: Which is Better for You?

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

If you’re eager to take your studies to the Mediterranean, two iconic European countries likely come to mind: Spain vs. Italy. Spain and Italy are two of Europe's most popular... keep reading


Asia vs. Europe Travel: Which is Better for Study Abroad?

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Choosing between Asia vs. Europe as the backdrop of your study abroad experience can be quite a challenging decision! Each continent offers unforgettable cultural experiences, immersive academic opportunities, and life-changing... keep reading


Santiago vs. Buenos Aires: Which is Better?

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

When it comes to choosing a study abroad destination in Latin America, two cities often come to the forefront: Santiago, Chile study abroad, and Buenos Aires, Argentina study abroad. Both... keep reading


Australia vs. New Zealand Study Abroad: Which is Better for You?

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

You’ve decided to study abroad in the Oceania region. Congrats! You’ve taken the first big step in your study abroad journey. Next up? Choosing between Australia vs. New Zealand study... keep reading


Ireland Traditions and Culture You Should Know

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Known for its lush landscapes and rich history, The Emerald Isle offers a unique blend of Irish traditions in Ireland that captivate visitors and locals alike. From its ancient Gaelic... keep reading


Study Abroad New Zealand: The Ultimate Guide

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Known for its rich Māori culture, majestic mountains, pristine beaches, and top-ranked universities, New Zealand study abroad is a life-changing, once-in-a-lifetime experience. From its unparalleled natural beauty to its reputation... keep reading


Should I Study Abroad in Spain or Italy?

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

When weighing your study abroad options, it’s easy to get stuck on a few favorite destinations. We get it! After all, we offer a ton of different study abroad programs... keep reading


2 Best CIEE Travel Grants for College Students

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

If you’re planning for a study abroad adventure, chances are you’re starting to get organized and assess what needs to be done ahead of your travels. And one of the... keep reading


The Ultimate Guide to Studying Abroad in Italy

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Italy is the top destination for U.S. study abroad students, according to the latest data . You’ll get no argument from us on that. Italy is truly amazing. And the... keep reading


Top 20 Korean Slang Words and Phrases You Must Know

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Are you worried about traveling to South Korea and feeling lost in conversation with locals, struggling to understand the Korean slang they're using? Don't worry; you're not alone. Just like... keep reading


Thrive in 2025 with CIEE Study Abroad’s New Programs

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

If you’re seeking an enriching study abroad or international internship experience in 2025, look no further than CIEE Study Abroad! With 40+ brand-new programs coming to our portfolio – bringing... keep reading


Top 20 Argentinian Slang Words and Phrases You Must Know

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Heading to Buenos Aires, the cosmopolitan capital of Argentina? If so, now’s the time to brush up on your lunfardo or Argentinian Spanish slang! Mastering the Spanish language goes beyond... keep reading


Top 20 German Slang Words and Phrases You Must Know

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Mastering the German language goes beyond learning proper grammar and vocabulary from textbooks. To truly communicate like a native, you need to embrace the vibrant world of German slang. These... keep reading


Happy Earth Day: Today and Every Day

By College Study Abroad at CIEE

Happy Earth Day! Every April 22, this global event comes around to remind us how precious our planet is, what sustainable efforts we can make to protect Earth, and that... keep reading