Meet Professor Nunes of CIEE Buenos Aires

Meet Bruno Nunes, a professor who teaches in Argentina! Professor Nunes was recently interviewed by CIEE staff about his background in education and his role at CIEE's Global Institute in Buenos Aires.

CIEE: Where are you from? What brought you to Argentina?

Professor Nunes: 

I am from Brazil. I moved to Buenos Aires to study and work. I am studying to earn my PhD in International Relations and I also have been teaching at CIEE in Buenos Aires for one year.

CIEE: What do you teach?

Professor Nunes:

I teach comparative politics, political parties and identity in Latin America, and intercultural communication and leadership. My courses involve theory, methodology, and practice.

CIEE: What is special about studying abroad in Buenos Aires?

Professor Nunes: 

Students have many cultural activities, academic opportunities, and lots of learning opportunities here in Argentina. CIEE's methodologies and spirit fosters this type of learning. Buenos Aires is full of these opportunities for its students.

CIEE: What do you think is special about the staff here at CIEE Buenos Aires?

Professor Nunes: 

I’m very glad to be working with a great team here in Argentina. The staff has a lot of intercultural competence. They have the skills to work with students from different places and they are always thinking of activities for the students. They are attentive to the quality of study abroad and it shows. 

CIEE: What do you like about teaching CIEE students?

Professor Nunes:

I enjoy the diversity of the students. We have dynamic classes. We’re always visiting museums, catching up with intercultural opportunities, and we have a nice agenda. 

CIEE: What is the ideal student for our study abroad programs in Argentina?

Professor Nunes:

We want students to be open minded and engaged in our activities. Ideally, our students should be excited about engaging with with local culture. 

CIEE: What are the best ways for students to polish their Spanish skills in Argentina?

Professor Nunes:

Buenos Aires is very prepared for international students with no Spanish language skills. However, if students are eager to learn Spanish or improve their language skills, the best ways for CIEE students to do so would be through classes, cultural immersion, homestays, and daily life.

Interested in study abroad programs in Buenos Aires? Learn more!