Kyoto: A Journey of Ancient Temples and Modern Marvels

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By: Lucas Taliaferro

My six-week adventure in Kyoto, Japan, was nothing short of incredible. From exploring ancient temples to savoring delicious cuisine, experiencing efficient train travel all over the country, and immersing myself in the politeness of Japanese culture, this trip has left an indelible mark on my heart.

Temples and the Goushin Stamp Book:

One of the main highlights of my trip to Kyoto was visiting the city's renowned temples and shrines. Kyoto is often called the "City of Ten Thousand Shrines," and it's not an exaggeration. Each temple had its unique charm and history, making every visit special. From the iconic Kinkaku-ji (the Golden Pavilion) to the serene but crowded Fushimi Inari Taisha with its countless torii gates, to the small temple surrounded by the starbucks I so frequently studied at, I was captivated by the beauty and spirituality of these places.

One unique aspect of my temple visits was completing the Goushin Stamp Book, a popular activity among tourists and locals. At each temple, I collected a unique stamp and calligraphy from the monks. The book serves as a beautiful souvenir, a reminder of my journey through these sacred sites, and a tangible representation of my spiritual growth during my stay in Kyoto.

kyoto japanese characters

Culinary Adventures:

Japan is renowned for its cuisine, and I couldn't have asked for a more delicious experience. I had the opportunity to taste some of the country's most famous dishes, and each one was a culinary masterpiece.

In Osaka, I indulged in mouthwatering sushi that was as fresh as it gets. The combination of perfectly seasoned rice, melt-in-your-mouth fish, and expertly crafted rolls was a taste sensation like no other.

A trip to Kobe introduced me to the world of Kobe beef, known for its unparalleled marbling and tenderness. Savoring each juicy bite of this exquisite beef was a true delight.

Back in Kyoto, I immersed myself in the world of ramen. Kyoto's ramen is distinct, with its rich, soy-based broth and thin, delicate noodles. It was a comforting and hearty meal that warmed my soul on cooler Kyoto evenings.

kyoto calligraphy japanese

Efficient Train Travel:

Navigating through Japan is a breeze, thanks to the country's incredibly efficient train system. The Suica card became my trusted companion, allowing me to travel effortlessly between cities. Whether I was hopping on the Shinkansen (bullet train) to explore Tokyo or taking the local trains to visit neighboring towns, the punctuality and convenience of the Japanese train system were remarkable.

Not only did the trains get me where I wanted to go quickly, but they also offered breathtaking views of the Japanese countryside, from lush green landscapes to picturesque villages. It was a fantastic way to appreciate the natural beauty of Japan.

kyoto train

Learning the Language and Experiencing Politeness:

One of the most rewarding aspects of my trip was learning to speak Japanese. While I'm far from fluent, the locals appreciated my efforts to communicate in their language. Whether it was ordering food, asking for directions, or engaging in simple conversations, each interaction was a valuable opportunity to connect with the culture on a deeper level and I always walked away more fulfilled.

I was consistently impressed by the politeness and respect that permeated Japanese society. Bowing became second nature, and the attention to detail in every interaction, from the immaculate service in restaurants to the graciousness of locals, left a lasting impression. It reminded me of the importance of kindness and courtesy in our daily lives.

In conclusion, my six weeks in Kyoto, Japan, were an unforgettable journey filled with cultural exploration, culinary delights, efficient travel, and profound lessons in politeness and a new culture. This experience has left me with a deep appreciation for Japan's rich heritage and warm hospitality. Kyoto will always hold a special place in my heart, and I look forward to returning one day to create more cherished memories in this enchanting city. Arigatou gozaimasu, Kyoto, for an incredible adventure!