About my Internship (Week 2)

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Global Internship

Authored By:

Brenda G.

Hallo! It's me checking in on week 2 :) 

          I have officially been in Berlin for two weeks, and I fall in love with the city every single day! Also, I am super excited to be at my internship as my boss is the best boss I could have ever asked for. As mentioned in my first blog, I am interning at Craft Initiative Agency (CIA). This is a start-up company who aims at assisting communities of various backgrounds with brands and audiences to work together on projects that need additional sponsorship. My internship is a place where I can grow and practice additional skills that I want to better! For example, I will be focusing on social media/marketing with various clients as they work on sharing their work/ideas through community work. My duties so far include creating a post for social media, including text and images and working with gallery directors to curate future shows. 

          As CIA works with various clients, I have interacted with many people I will be working with, and they are very caring about my progress and needs. Additionally, they leave room for mistakes and understand that as an intern, my duty is to learn as I work, which makes it less nerve-wracking while working on work for them. As there are five other interns from CIEE working at the same location with the same boss, I affirm that they are the most friendly and funniest people I have met during my time abroad. As they mention, they also love the internship start-up we were placed with and mention nothing but good things about our boss, G! G is the happiest and friendly person leaving room for mistakes as well as having patience when teaching or explaining tasks that need to be done. A big bonus is that we get to attend art events that showcase super cool art, music, and installations! Currently, CIA is working with Berlin-based artist Noa Naharri on a project concerning the skin. Nahari's project is titled "The Skin We Live In" where she aims to examine the boundaries of the physical body as it creates experiences in which the human body interacts with the art object and transformed by this process. If you are interested in reading more about this and participating with your images, here is a link for reference. 

          As I am in a new country, the things that are different compared to back home is the language. In Berlin, things are hardly translated to English even at the store, making google translate my new best friend! This is not anything scary just a challenge of living abroad and not speaking any German. On a happy note, the sun does not go down until about 10 pm leaving time to explore the city and enjoy a nice walk with excellent weather. The pictures featured on my blog this week are some pictures I took at the lake when it was about 100 degrees Fahrenheit! My friends and I decided to head down to the lake and enjoy the warm summer breeze after work- these are the things you can consider doing as you spend time abroad. 

Thanks for reading! :-)