5 Things About Amsterdam I Wish I Knew

By: Sasha Lehrer

Embarking on a study abroad adventure in Amsterdam is a thrilling experience, but as I reflect on my journey, there are a few key aspects I wish I had known before diving into this captivating city's cultural tapestry.

Firstly, the weather in Amsterdam is not just a topic of casual conversation; it's a daily companion. Rain showers are frequent, and investing in a reliable umbrella and waterproof gear is a must. Coming prepared for the unpredictable weather can significantly enhance your comfort and overall enjoyment of the city.

Beyond the weather, the city's renowned punctuality standards caught me off guard. In Amsterdam, time is a tightly managed commodity. Whether you're catching a train or attending a movie, being fifteen minutes late is not just a matter of inconvenience – it's a cultural norm. Dutch precision is something to embrace, and adjusting to this mindset early on can save you from missed opportunities and the occasional disappointed glance from locals.

As a study abroad enthusiast, the allure of traveling to neighboring countries is irresistible. However, budgeting wisely is crucial. While Amsterdam offers affordable options for students, managing expenses becomes even more critical when exploring other European destinations. Creating a realistic budget, hunting for student discounts, and planning ahead can make your international adventures more fulfilling without emptying your wallet.

Amidst the excitement of jet-setting to other countries, it's easy to overlook the gem that is Amsterdam. Spending quality time getting to know the city is essential. The temptation to travel constantly is strong, but taking moments to explore Amsterdam's neighborhoods, parks, and cultural hotspots pays dividends in a deeper connection to your host city.

Seasonal depression, a common challenge in the Northern European climate, is an aspect I wish I had been more prepared for. The city's overcast days can impact mood and energy levels. Finding activities that bring joy during the darker months, such as joining local clubs, attending cultural events, or simply cozying up in a Dutch café, can help combat the winter blues.

In conclusion, studying abroad in Amsterdam offers a plethora of experiences, but understanding the city's weather patterns, embracing Dutch punctuality, budgeting wisely for both local and international adventures, and taking the time to savor Amsterdam's unique charm are valuable lessons. The allure of traveling is undeniable, but finding a balance between exploring neighboring countries and immersing yourself in the local culture will make your study abroad journey more enriching and memorable.