Take Advantage of Study Abroad By Saying "Yes"

By Emma Da Silva

For most people, you are only abroad for a few months. Only a certain amount of time for new friends, experiences, and exploring. You have to take advantage of these opportunities when you still have them. I know it’s easier said than done. But having a “say yes” mentality while abroad is the best way to fulfill your expectations.

It can be hard putting yourself out there when living in a new country. Although it’s scary, making new friends is one of the easiest ways to help you in this transition. Say yes to grabbing coffee with the girl from your class. Say yes to going to the flea markets with your next-door neighbor. Tell yourself yes, even when you’re doubting going out and doing things alone.

I believe that you should never regret trying something new, even if it wasn’t what you were expecting. There’s been times when I didn’t want to do something with people or go out at night because of overthinking or nervousness. But then I remembered that I’m only here for 4 months. These places and people won't be in my life like this forever, and I think I should do stuff I know I want to do deep down. Every day and night won’t be amazing, but if you’re trying something new and have people that you love by your side, it’s worth it.

Although sometimes you really don’t want to do something, you shouldn’t push yourself. You know yourself best and what your boundaries are. Be true to yourself during this new and exciting experience, but just keep in mind that you probably don’t want to regret not trying something new just because. Studying abroad is meant for you to live in a new environment and become who you want to be in it and do what you want to do. Don’t take this message too literally and hurt yourself in the process. Just remember that you only have so much time in your new city, use it wisely!