Spring 2018 Issue I

Programs for this blog post

Central European Studies

Authored By:

Alicja Nemoudry

CIEE Prague Charitable Donations

In the previous semester, CIEE Prague organized the so-called Charity Date Auction as part of the Graduation Ball event for all of its programs, where all participants were the Fall'17 semester students. This Charity Date Auction has already been the third event of its kind in CIEE Prague history, and has been a part of the Graduation Ball event for the second time.

Founded in the year 2000, the Život dětem (Life for Children) Foundation is a non-profit organization, and the main goal of the Date Auction was to raise money that could then be donated to this NGO. CIEE Prague students had the opportunity to sign up for this event in advance, after having read more information about the Život dětem Foundation.

After a discussion with the Život dětem Foundation Director, CIEE Prague once again decided to donate all Date Auction proceeds to Karolínka. Seven years ago, this now 10-year-old girl was a victim of a horrific car accident, during which she suffered from multiple back injuries. This car accident has left Karolínka with paralyzed legs and incontinent. Despite the medical prognosis of never being able to walk again, she has made great progress. All proceeds from the previous Date Auction were used to buy her a brand new wheelchair, this time they will be used to provide her with the opportunity of rehabilitation abroad.

CIEE Prague Director and Program Coordinator handed over the Date Auction proceeds directly to the Director of the Život dětem Foundation. They obtained a certificate related not only to the Date Auction proceeds, but also for having donated further $ 1,000. Every year, the CIEE headquarters in Portland run the so-called Charitable Giving Program that aims to support local, national or international organizations that are of a special importance to CIEE staff, which comprises of nearly 800 employees all around the world. Many CIEE Prague employees suggested numerous organizations, but it was CIEE Prague Program Coordinator Zuzana who was lucky to have won the second prize - $ 1,000 – for her suggested NGO Život dětem. This money will also go to Karolínka to help her make her first steps. We keep our fingers crossed for her!