Reflecting on my Experience Abroad in Berlin
By: Kaitlyn Tran
Could you tell us more about your experience in Berlin so far?
My experience at CIEE Berlin has been nothing short of amazing. I came to the city not knowing what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised in so many ways. It’s much more diverse than I would have imagined. I’ve really appreciated being able to learn about so many different cultures and try so many different foods. One of my favorite foods I’ve discovered since being here is Döner Kebab, which is a Turkish dish. It’s super popular in Berlin and you can pretty much find a Döner shop on every street corner. It’s perfect for grabbing a quick lunch with friends between classes, or a late night snack, as they’re often open until odd hours of the night.
What I really love about a city like Berlin is that you can walk or take the U-Bahn anywhere, even without an agenda, and still have a great time exploring new things along the way. I’ve also met some really great people during my time here, who have shaped my experience in positive ways. It makes exploring the city and trying new experiences a lot more fun. It’s nice to live on campus as well - I feel like it’s made it a lot easier to meet friends and the commute to class much shorter.
What has been the best moment/experience?
One of my favorite things that CIEE offers is the free excursions. Sometimes we do overnight stays in nearby cities, such as Dresden or Potsdam. Other times they buy us tickets to experiences such as Christmas Markets, Ice Skating, or light shows - all of which I have really enjoyed.
I’ve also really enjoyed how easy it is to travel to other countries from Berlin. During my time here, I’ve been able to travel to Prague, London, Dublin, and Morocco. My favorite trip by far was the one to Morocco. I went during my week break between Blocks II and III, and it was so beautiful. I loved learning about a culture so different from Berlin and my own. Having the opportunity to travel, meet people from around the world, and try new foods is so unique and definitely something I don’t take for granted. If you have the opportunity to, I would definitely recommend trying to travel to other countries during your semester abroad.
What would you tell a student that is thinking on studying abroad, some advice?
I would say take the chance and go explore! It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and you come out with so many enriching cultural experiences. Learning about cultures other than your own is so important and something that you can take with you for the rest of your life.
How has the experience to live in other country/culture been and which would be the main challenges/ opportunities?
Living in a new country alone for an extended period of time can definitely take some adjusting. For me, there were a lot of German specific culture shocks that I was not prepared for. People are much more direct with their communication compared to the US. It may come off as slightly abrasive at first, but generally people mean well. One of the main challenges, I would say, is feeling homesick. My advice for this is to regularly call your support system back home - whether that be friends or family - it’s important to keep in touch when you can. Sometimes the time difference can make it difficult, especially if you still have meetings to attend from your home country. For me, I was in the process of applying for internships during my semester abroad. This was a bit challenging at times because I would often have to meet late at night or if I was traveling to places where I didn’t have access to wifi it could make things a bit more challenging. However, there’s still nothing I would change and I’m eternally grateful to be able to experience something like this. Another challenge of living in Berlin in the fall is the lack of sunlight each day. When I first came, I was pleasantly surprised by the warm weather and sunny days, but as it gets into the later months in the year, the sun starts to set around 4pm and it can often feel gray or dreary. My recommendation for this is wake up early and get sunlight in when you can. Also, take vitamin D! It helps a lot.
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