My Experience as Program Leader…or should I say the best experience of my life? By Francina Cruz

Programs for this blog post

Liberal Arts

Authored By:

Ryan Bowen

Francina was a program leader this past January, and wanted to share her experience with others.

"Let’s Talk about this.

Few times in life we have experiences that in their totality turn out to be completely incredible, I can happily say that for me this was one of them. Being a Program Leader meant to me a personal challenge that impelled me and helped to remove many of my fears and weaknesses at the root, teaching me the sense of teamwork and responsibility. It gave me the opportunity to meet new people with hearts full of joy, love and enthusiasm to share with others. Without a doubt this has been the best experience of my life, in which I could contribute a grain of sand for others and in which my heart was overflowing with new emotions. There are not enough words that can explain this experience, but there are photos so you can see some of our moments. Thanks CIEE!"