How will study abroad change you?

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College Study Abroad

It never fails. Students return home from their study abroad experience feeling different about themselves, their friends and family, and the world around them. Why is study abroad such a life-shaping experience? Because in addition to gaining a global perspective, you will…

Develop Valuable Skills

When you’re immersed in a new culture, every experience can be both a challenge and an adventure! Continually stepping out of your comfort zone will develop valuable life skills, including leadership, cross-cultural communication, adaptability, time management, teamwork, and problem-solving – just to name a few. You’ll come back more mature and confident and you’ll have study abroad to thank for it.

Stand Out in Applications

I’m sure you’re aware that today’s global job market is competitive, extremely competitive. But did you know that less than 3% of U.S. college students actually study abroad? International experience will help your resume outshine other applicants. In fact, studies show that students who study abroad land jobs more quickly than students who don’t. Why? Skills gained studying abroad MATTER to employers! Want to stand out even more? Intern abroad! You’ll gain hands-on international work experience and marketable job skills.

Learn a New Language

What’s the best way to gain proficiency in a foreign language? Immersion. You don’t need to speak a foreign language in order to study abroad, but when you’re living and learning in a new culture, you’re bound to learn how to communicate quickly. Homestays, classes, and conversations with locals will fast-forward your language skills. 

Build an International Network

From fellow study abroad participants to local students, your homestay family to professors, coworkers and internship supervisors, you’ll meet people from diverse backgrounds during your study abroad experience. Each could turn out to be a valuable personal and professional contact. 

Enhance Academic Learning

Traveling after college is one thing, but study abroad is incomparable because it’s focused on academics and learning. It’s the perfect opportunity to diversify your college experience – snorkel and study biodiversity in the world’s largest fringing coral reef, live in a cloud forest and study environmental science and sustainability, or volunteer in healthcare clinics and learn public health from medical professionals in the Dominican Republic. Complete major requirements while discovering new viewpoints and knowledge outside of campus!

Discover Career Direction

Study abroad is your chance to be adventurous and step outside your comfort zone. Try new activities, take interesting classes, and discover what you’re truly passionate about! In turn, your eyes will open to a plethora of career possibilities.

Become a Global Citizen

Study abroad lets you earn credits while traveling the world and discovering new cultures. But something even more significant happens. Not only will you begin to understand and appreciate the world’s interconnectedness, but you’ll gain a new awareness of cultural diversity and its important role in making the world a better place. In short, you’ll become a global citizen with the power to make a real difference.

What are you waiting for? Study abroad is calling your name!
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Source: and The Center for Global Educatio