Going Solo

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Arts + Sciences

Authored By:

Geraldine L.

Since I have classes everyday, there's no way for me to do full day plans or go to the other side of Seoul for a long period of time. The only time I got to explore with my friends was on the weekends which never felt like enough time. I felt the need to do the things on my itinerary with friends, but if I could only see them on the weekend, there was no way I could do everything I intended to do coming to Seoul. This discouraged me from doing anything fun during the week which honestly made me sad. Coming to Seoul, I knew I didn't want to leave with any regrets. If I let my classes discourage me from enjoying myself, I would definitely regret it. Don't get me wrong, I fully intended to go to my classes still, but I needed to do something either before, between, or after those classes. So with that, I decided to take myself on solo dates whenever I have the time. This actually just turned into visiting cafe's I have been meaning to try. Taking the opportunity to do things on my own gave me the time to cross things off my to-do list. While being alone was a little nerve wracking, I had a great time. Doing this showed me that I’m capable and  shouldn’t be scared to experience life on my own. At least, if I really want to do something, I shouldn’t be scared to do it alone and I can’t rely on others to make experiences.