Fresh Dairy Products

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January in Buenos Aires

Authored By:

Natalia Nadal

  Through  the  Global Environmental Policy GI Course, GI Center classrooms  have offered a  frame to discuss an important source of income for Argentina: dairy production. Within the course, students  grasp the meaning of production chain,  quality standards and sustainable development, among other key concepts.

 Argentina ´s pampas are well-known for their cattle breeding and crops. The image of gauchos riding on horses through our plains still persists. Every Argentinian over 60 will remember that “we used to feed Europe after the War”, by sending them grains and meat.

 Time has passed by and our country has gone through different and difficult paths; anyway, dairy production has continued and improved its techniques and quality standards. You don´t need to drive more than two hours from Buenos Aires to get to see cows  by the road.


Photo for blog post Fresh Dairy Products
 Professor Leandro Gómez  believes the best approach  to this is offering experiential learning to his students. He offered  them  a visit to the biggest dairy factory in Argentina: La Serenísima. They were able  to appreciate sophisticated ways of production,  by asking   questions to employees and also learning about their working conditions,  about the safety the company provides  them with ,  about the relationship the company has developed with the area where it has been settled for years.  This way of learning makes classrooms´bounderies extend and give students the opportunity of having from first hand this knowledge related to production.

#experiential learning#GICourse# Buenos Aires