Cultural Immersion, Health, and Safety: CIEE Tokyo's Onsite Orientation

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Arts +Sciences

Authored By:

Darren Biggs

CIEE strives to provide students with as many opportunities as possible to immerse themselves in Japanese culture. One way we do this is by offering a number of activities throughout the program, including a daytrip to Kamakura City during the onsite orientation period just after students arrive. In Fall 2016 we continued this tradition and enjoyed a gorgeous sunny day at the city that served as Japan’s capital from the late 12th to early 14th century.

 Kamakura is rich in culture and history. It was during the Kamakura period that the samurai warrior class emerged to play a significant role in Japanese society. It is also the home of world-renowned cultural and religious sites. During our daytrip, local guides took us on a tour of three important sites: Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Hasedera Temple, and the Great Buddha Statue. By seeing these sites and hearing the guides’ explanations firsthand, students had a helpful introduction to Japanese religious traditions; knowledge that is important to understanding the fundamentals of Japanese culture and society.

 In addition to the Kamakura daytrip and other immersive activities, during the onsite orientation we conduct sessions on academics, daily life and cultural adaptation, and health and safety. We place great importance on all these subjects, and where health and safety are concerned we go above and beyond to help ensure the wellbeing of our students. As in past semesters, we visited the Life Safety Learning Center (LSLC), a facility operated by the Tokyo Fire Department where people are welcome to learn how to respond to emergency situations. Under the guidance of LSLC staff, students experienced a simulated earthquake and learned how to best protect themselves, learned how to escape a simulated burning building, and learned how to properly operate a fire extinguisher. Through the LSLC visit and other safety-related activities and discussions, we’re confident that students gain the tools to enjoy their life in Japan in a safe and responsible way.