From Charleston to Berlin: Jasmine Syffus, Open Campus student from Fall 2023

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CIEE Berlin

Today we interviewed Jasmine Syffus, one of our students of Open Campus Fall 23 Semester. She arrived on august and has been enjoying her time in Berlin. She lives in the beautiful city of Charleston and studies at Bennett College in Greensboro North Carolina. 

-How has your experience in Berlin been so far?

My experience in Berlin so far has been unique! There are so many styles, languages, and food!

Jasmine Syffus

- If we compare Berlin to Charleston, what could you say about each place?

Charleston is very southern down to how we talk, it's a lot of geechie culture within Charleston. Berlin is like a culture pot, there is not just one type of person here, there are numerous personalities and more to do here than back at home. Also a lot more to see architecture there are a lot of castles and historical buildings and rich history here! in Charleston, I am surrounded by beaches!

-Do you have some hobbies that you do back home that you still do here? or some new hobbies or activities you have learned?

Some of my hobbies that I still do would be trying out new food places and reviewing them online! Also walks around the neighbourhood sometimes! Some new hobbies I have acquired while I've been in Berlin would be pushing myself to be more extroverted than introverted in a way by talking to people and being more involved within the program. 

 -Which advice would you tell a student that is thinking on coming to study to Berlin?

Some advice I would give to someone who is thinking about coming to Berlin would be to come! It was the best decision I have made so far, you're going to make lifelong friends, see new things, experience new cultures, and try new foods!