Berlin is the City of Surprises
By: Jackson Bambrick
Berlin is a city full of surprises where even a class field trip can become an adventure to remember. On one brisk but sunny October day, my Writing Berlin Stories class set out for Hasenheide Park, an oasis of green tucked away in the industrial city.
The chill in the air was refreshing, while the golden sunlight that filtered through trees in the park made a perfect setting. We were there to discover not only the beauty of the park but also its stories above ground and under the forest floor.
Our guide led us into the amazing world of mushrooms. The dense, live forest in the park became our classroom as we knelt to see clusters of fungi popping out from the soil and layering over wet logs. The guide was explaining how these humble organisms are instrumental in providing nutrients to the soil, among many other things, and also act like a bio-indicator of the ecosystem's health. We picked up the different ways of recognizing edible mushrooms from their highly poisonous look-alikes, which may not ever be useful but was still fun to learn.
It was an enchanting blend of science and storytelling. Each mushroom had a secret, reminding me that even in the heart of a bustling city, nature has tales to be told.
That day, Hasenheide Park offered much more than a study session. It offered the opportunity to slow down, breathe in the crisp autumn air, and connect with the city. These are experiences that make studying in Berlin unforgettable.
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