
Skyler F.

Berlin, Germany
Hometown: Gainesville, Florida


Mid-Year Report and Seminar

By Skyler F.

If you live in the Southeast, you will be going with the organization Experiment e.V. to Germany. You need to complete 15 service hours along with a Mid-Year Report detailing... keep reading

New Year's Eve

By Skyler F.

In Germany, New Year's Eve is a very big holiday. Nearly everyone gathers for a party and to set off fireworks, very much like in the United States. Along with... keep reading

Exchanges within European Countries

By Skyler F.

The way exchanges are done within Europe are totally different than what is typically thought of as an exchange. At my school we recently had a group of Spanish exchange... keep reading

Healthcare Differences

By Skyler F.

In Germany, the healthcare differs a lot from that of the United States. The doctors office, the pharmacy, medications, and more. I have bbeen pretty sick and had to go... keep reading

Feeling the Effects of the Energy Crisis

By Skyler F.

As it has recently gotten colder here in Germany, the energy crisis that the country is facing has been more and more prevalent. Advisories of what people should do in... keep reading

Playing Soccer in Germany

By Skyler F.

The thing that shocked me the most about Germany is how unpopular women’s soccer is. Men’s soccer is very common and if you play it and are good you are... keep reading

Halloween in Germany

By Skyler F.

To say the least… Halloween is not as big here. I did have the presumption that it would be a lot smaller than it actually ended up being. Many people... keep reading

Fridays for Freimarkt

By Skyler F.

Freimarkt… probably the most significant thing in Bremen in October. Following in the Oktoberfest footsteps, Freimarkt has tents for food and drinks, rollercoasters, and amazing carnival games. And if I... keep reading

Adapting to School

By Skyler F.

To say the least, school is very different in Germany. I had six classes every day in the United States for fifty minutes. This completely differs from the system in... keep reading

Breaking the Awkwardness

By Skyler F.

Once I really started thinking about meeting my host family, my biggest question was, "How should I greet them?" The thought of whether I should do it in German or... keep reading

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