famous plaza in seville spain sun
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CIEE Staff

Sarah O'Rourke

Spanish Language & Culture Seville, Spain

Hola soy Sarah! I am originally from Rockford, IL and currently teach high school Spanish and coach volleyball in LeRoy, Illinois. I studied abroad in Sevilla for a semester when I was studying at Illinois Wesleyan University. I am so excited to return to Sevilla for the first time since then. I love seeing young students strengthen their language skills and this is the perfect city to do that!!



Adios, Sevilla

By Sarah O'Rourke at CIEE

Hola a tod@s! As this will be y final post before we leave this beautiful city, I wanted to showcase the words of some of the students abut their journey... keep reading


Granada Trip

By Sarah O'Rourke at CIEE

WOW. What a weekend! The entire group traveled to Granada, Spain for an overnight weekend trip. After checking into the hotel, the students were given a brief tour of the... keep reading


Cooking and Cathedral

By Sarah O'Rourke at CIEE

Hola! We are in the middle of the week here in Sevilla, but wow have we had an action-packed week already. On Tuesday, we went into the famous Cathedral in... keep reading


Bienvenidos a Sevilla

By Sarah O'Rourke at CIEE

Hola everyone! Our first week here in Sevilla has been hot, tiring, and fun! Yesterday, we took a long tour around the beautfiul city. There is so much to see... keep reading

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