Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, South Korea
Profile photo of

Kate R.

Teach In South Korea Program South Korea
Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina (USA)

Kate was born and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina in the United States. She attended Elon University in North Carolina where she received a degree in Journalism, with a minor in International Studies. After college, she worked at Participate, a company dedicated to international teacher cultural exchange, dual language immersion programs and teacher professional development. She worked with hundreds of international teachers, spent time in their classrooms, ultimately realizing her own passion and want to teach internationally. 

Program: Teach in South Korea


Why You Should Teach in South Korea With CIEE

By Kate R.

There are so many wonderful places in the world to teach English, as well as so many options with CIEE. I spent a while perusing and comparing each program until... keep reading

Spending (and saving!) money teaching in South Korea

By Kate R.

When I first decided to quit my steady job of almost five years (sorry, mom and dad!) and move to South Korea to teach, all I could think about was... keep reading

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