Madrid calle gran via stree sunrise

Ana A.

Teach In Spain Program Spain


Don't let any one tell you differently - Madrid has a long winter!

By Ana A.

Don't let any one tell you differently - Madrid has a long winter! I know, it's Spain, so you must be thinking, "It can't really be that cold right? After... keep reading

Where to go for the February Puente

By Ana A.

What is a puente, you ask? A puente is a long weekend break! This year, the break fell on Thursday, February 15 and Friday, February 16. That meant four full... keep reading

Making Lessons Fun

By Ana A.

Take everything you know about school, and toss it out the window. Spanish schools are a whole new ball game. I went to Spain thinking that I would just be... keep reading

January is a difficult month.

By Ana A.

January is a difficult month. Everyone is fresh, back from the holidays, broke from paying for trips around the holidays and no private lessons in December. The homesickness has kicked... keep reading

New Year, New Me

By Ana A.

NEW YEAR, NEW ME That's how the saying goes, right? It is so easy to get caught up in the daily routine - the commute to work, lesson planning, teaching... keep reading

Deciding to Apply to Teach Abroad

By Ana A.

So you are considering applying to teach in Spain. Excellent decision. BUT! Here are some things you should consider before you make the decision to uproot your entire life and... keep reading

Be Comfortable Being Alone

By Ana A.

There is something empowering about travelling alone. I went on a short trip to Dublin, Ireland this weekend. And it was amazing.I was alone, but I was never really alone... keep reading


By Ana A.

The most amazing part of traveling is exploring and finding yourself. The best part of getting lost is not always knowing where you are going. Remind yourself, it is okay... keep reading

A Lesson in the Formal

By Ana A.

I always thought I was fluent in Spanish - that is, until I arrived in Madrid and hopped off of my flight on Iberia. Spanish, thickly accented with Castillian lisps... keep reading

Teach in Spain

By Ana A.

The Metropolis Building, or edificio Metrópolis on Gran Vía, is one of the most iconic parts of Madrid. Topped with an Angel watching over Madrid, the building is magnificent at... keep reading

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