back street seoul south korea
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Student Traveler

Alex S.

Arts + Sciences Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska

Alex Suh is a junior from Omaha, Nebraska majoring in Cell and Molecular Biology at Tulane University in New Orleans.  Alex is Korean-American but with very little connection to his Korean background, so he is studying abroad in Korea to learn more about his heritage.  Alex is making Youtube videos about his experience in Korea, so check them out at


I Skipped Class to Explore Korea

By Alex S.

You probably shouldn't skip your classes... Well... unless... So at Yonsei University, class attendance is a huge component of your grade, unlike American universities. So - you should probably go... keep reading


By Alex S.

Okay, okay... yes, the police were called to break up our little birthday party - but it wasn't thaaaaaatttt big of a deal. In the video above, you can see... keep reading

A Day with Yonsei Exchange Students

By Alex S.

Enjoy this music video I put together for my Understanding K-pop class! ^^^ CIEE has a great community, but the Yonsei University exchange program extends beyond just CIEE. I highly... keep reading

A Weekend at Yonsei

By Alex S.

Okay, okay... you probably wonder how Yonsei exchange students spend their weekends... So weekends are one of the only times when all of your fellow CIEE friends don't have classes... keep reading

Surviving Quarantine

By Alex S.

I'm going to be completely honest... quarantine was pretty brutal. Hooowwevverrr, I hope that you won't have to quarantine as conditions are getting better around the world in terms of... keep reading

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