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High School Summer Abroad Blog

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Exploring Aerospace Engineering in Toulouse, France

By Jamie Pothier at CIEE

Toulouse, France is often called the aerospace capital or “Space City” of Europe, and for good reason. Home to major aerospace companies like Airbus and renowned research institutions, this city... keep reading


Classroom Experience: A Springboard to Proficiency Growth with CIEE

By Elizabeth Mbunya at CIEE

The Language and Culture Program with CIEE kicked off its second session on July 30, 2024. The overall goal of the program is for students to develop proficiency in the... keep reading


Learning Beyond the Four Walls

By Melissa Cabaniss at CIEE

This blog post explores the meaning of study abroad and gives examples of student work so far in the program!


Magic Beyond The Comfort Zone: Forging Interpersonal and Intercultural Connections

By Jabari Smith at CIEE

“Koketsu ni irizunba koji wo ezu” is a Japanese proverb that loosely translates as “nothing ventured, nothing gained” and it adequately reflects the experiences of our scholars in week two... keep reading


Recap of the first week by student Alex Conlon

By Maria Celeste Barquero Luna at CIEE

The first week of Climate Change Mitigation Program Session 1 is almost over. It has been a week full of knowledge about our surroundings, our carbon footprints, climate change, an... keep reading


Team Bonding

By Leandra Conti at CIEE

A hectic travel day followed by a few days of getting settled in and used to a brand new city would be a daunting task for anyone. However, these students... keep reading


Terra i Mar Aventura! Camping, Hiking, Watersports, and Otherwise in Alcúdia

By Alexander Mazuzan at CIEE

Over this past weekend, July 29 and 30, the whole group traveled to the north of the island for a weekend full of adventure and fun. We met early in... keep reading


Sorry I missed my flight, I never wanna leave Mérida

By Angel Fross at CIEE

Justttt kiddinggggg! But seriously. Today was our last day and I am SO. SAD. We went to "El Gran Museo del Mundo Maya" and I was absolutely floored with how... keep reading


Mayapán (the last great Maya capital)...and the greatest guac

By Angel Fross at CIEE

Mayapán and guacamole...what do they have in common? Well, Mayapán is known at the last great capital of the Mayas and guacamole was created by the Aztecs. Does that answer... keep reading


Swimming in a cenote...wait, was that lightning?

By Angel Fross at CIEE

My first draft got deleted so here's take two (read as: please stick around and read this so it's worth it). I am in Mérida, Yucatán with several other educators... keep reading


Spanish Classes al Aire Libre

By Erica Edwards at CIEE

Spanish Classes al Aire Libre This week, our Spanish teachers planned several exciting excursions that enabled our students to use what they've been learning in real world scenarios on the... keep reading

Red de misericordia; the place where it happens

By Shii-Ann W.

Red de Misericordia is a medical clinic, school, and safe shelter to abused children in the Dominican Republic by providing for their basic physical needs, education, spiritual instruction and preparation... keep reading


A Journey to Scandinavia!

By Gregory Gaylor at CIEE

Only a few days into our Multi-Site Global Entrepreneurship Program, Denmark, the first location of our 3-country tour and a nation of only 5.4 million inhabitants, has lived up to... keep reading


Drawing on Our Observations

By Alexis Savas at CIEE

This. week, our High School Global Navigators in the Connecting Art, History, and Culture Program visited La Galleria d'Arte Moderna, known to Romans as the GNAM. Modern Art is relative... keep reading


Annandale High School Summer Abroad Students in the News

By High School Summer Abroad at CIEE

It’s always great to see our students’ excitement for their upcoming high school summer abroad. This time we got to see it on the news—and just days before the start... keep reading