Do's and Don'ts of High School Study Abroad

With the new year, students are already starting to prepare for their high school summer abroad program

What better way to do it than by hearing the Do's and Don'ts from students who went on program last summer.

On the latest episode of the Out of Your Comfort Zone podcast, we talk with three of our high school summer abroad alumni—Alexa, Niamh, and Erica—three U.S. high school students who traveled with us to Taipei (Taiwan), Barcelona (Spain), and Madrid (Spain).

Hear them share all about how they prepared for their program, how they embraced the cultural differences of a new place, made a conscious effort to take part in all activities, and remained open-minded.

They also share practical tips on travel essentials, why it's not good to only stay with one group of friends, and avoiding calling home every day so you can really immerse yourself in the experience.

Click below to learn more about the high school summer abroad programs mentioned during this episode.