copenhagen canal with red boat
Student Traveler

Rumi Y.

Open Campus Block Open Campus Block


Pere Lachaise Cemetery

By Rumi Y.

Pere Lachaise Cemetery is the largest cemetery in the city of Paris. The 110 acres are located in the 20th arrondissement on the Boulevard de Menilmontant. King Louis XIV’s confessor... keep reading


By Rumi Y.

Annecy, dubbed the “Venice of the Alps,” is an alpine town in southeastern France, where Lake Annecy feeds into the Thiou River. The city is known for its picturesque old... keep reading

Study Tour to Normandy

By Rumi Y.

From the Norman invasion of England in 1066 to the scene of the 1944 Allied invasion that ended World War II, the region has been at the forefront of European... keep reading


By Rumi Y.

There are many exquisite patisseries in Paris, but the first was Stohrer, opened in 1730 by pastry chef Nicolas Stohrer, the pastry chef for Louis XV of France. The patisserie... keep reading


By Rumi Y.

Bonjour! I live in an apartment in the 11th district next to the Parmentier metro. The walk to CIEE is a 30-minute stroll on lively streets filled with restaurants, supermarches... keep reading

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