Alcala gate on a sunny day
Profile photo of

Kate S.

Teach In Spain Program + 2 Weeks of Spanish Immersion Spain
Hometown: Little Rock, Arkansas

I was born and raised in Arkansas, one of the most beautiful states in the USA. If you disagree, give me a few days to show you around, and I promise I'll change your mind. I live for Saturdays and Sundays in the fall when I can cheer on my Arkansas Razorbacks and Dallas Cowboys. My family is comprised of some of the most wonderful people to ever exist. My friends are the kind that call me out when I need it, and love me through anything. So naturally, I left all of this behind to move to Spain.

To state the extremely obvious, I love to travel. My passion is hidden gems. I prefer to skip standing in long lines to get a picture in front of a painted wall. Tourist hubs stress me out. Give me regional cuisine, friendly locals, sunshine, and a good book. My top priority is to spread my love for travel to my readers through words and wit. If I'm not making you smile or laugh, I'm not doing it right! Also, I have my own blog platform that you should totally check out: Venture Yonder

So join me, dear reader. I can say with complete honesty that I am so glad you're here. I hope I can, in some way, make your life a little better and a little brighter. 


Hasta Luego, Comfort Zone

By Kate S.

My first week away from the United States could best be summed up in the following steps: 1. Venture outside comfort zone. 2. Nearly crap self with panic. 3. Push... keep reading

Snipping the Strings

By Kate S.

I assumed that the crippling anxiety of moving to Spain would hit me at some point along the way. With nervous laughter, I shooed away visions of my 50 year... keep reading

The First Step

By Kate S.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” -Lao Tzu I have lived in Arkansas for thirty years of my life. [ Small pause for my mini... keep reading

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