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Elizabeth N.

Hometown: Seattle

Elizabeth has lived around her home state of Washington and is excited to finally live in a new county!  She has traveled through Europe before, but this will be her first time in Spain, which will be a great opportunity to practice her Spanish.  In addition to traveling, her hobbies include hiking, listening to music, and seeking out new experinces to try.


Professional Skills I’ve Gained From the Teach Spain Professional Program

By Elizabeth N.

It’s hard to believe I only have four months left in this program. The time has passed very quickly. I’ve been so busy working and traveling that it seems the... keep reading

A Day in the Life of a Professional English Teacher

By Elizabeth N.

It’s hard to sum up a day in the life of someone in the Spain Professional English Teacher program. Each day is different and with schedule changes you will have... keep reading

Advice For Prospective Teach in Spain Professional Applicants

By Elizabeth N.

I have been in this program for four months now, so I can’t help thinking back on things. I can’t believe that intense, two-week training session was so long ago... keep reading

Christmas the Spanish Way

By Elizabeth N.

A special kind of homesickness comes during the holidays when living abroad. It’s too expensive to buy a plane ticket back home and this will be my first Christmas away... keep reading

Navigating the Madrid Metro

By Elizabeth N.

Being in the Professional English program means practically living on the metro some days. Our companies are spread out, so I recommend downloading some ebooks and podcasts to help pass... keep reading

Hunting for Wild Mushrooms

By Elizabeth N.

When you think of Madrid, you think of the architecture, Retiro Park, the Prado, tapas, and many other things. Wild mushrooms? Not so much, but just over an hours drive... keep reading

A Visit to a Winery and Burgos

By Elizabeth N.

Most of the time, I like planning my own trups. I have done group travel a few times and while it is convenient I generally prefer to strike out on... keep reading

Teaching Professional English

By Elizabeth N.

It’s hard to believe that in just a few weeks I will have been living in Madrid for two months. The weeks go by so fast in a blur of... keep reading

Twelve Hours in Toledo

By Elizabeth N.

Teaching English is a very busy job. I spend most of my day running around the city from class to class. I spend most of my free time between classes... keep reading

Getting a Haircut in Madrid

By Elizabeth N.

The main difference between traveling abroad and living abroad is adjusting to the unique, yet mundane everyday tasks. In addition to traveling around the city and visiting museums, you are... keep reading

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