Aerial view of Berlin waterway
Student Traveler

Asha R.

High School Abroad in Germany Germany


The One Where My Two Families Meet

By Asha R.

225 days. That's a long time to be away from your family. This month, I was reunited with my mom, two younger brothers, cousin, and my grandma and grandpa. The... keep reading

Village Appreciation Post

By Asha R.

When my host family picked me up from Frankfurt after orientation, the first thing I remember about arriving in my village was my host mom telling one of my host... keep reading


By Asha R.

March has been the month of rising temperatures (today it was 24 C/75F!), blooming flowers, and more sunlight (DST sprung us an hour forward on the 26th, so now the... keep reading


By Asha R.

While I was researching castles along the Rhine, I stumbled upon Schloss Drachenburg. Along with normal castle tours, they also put on a yearly light show during early spring called... keep reading

"American" Food

By Asha R.

In every German supermarket I've been in so far, there hasn't been a single time that I haven't seen food with an American flag on the packaging or the word... keep reading


By Asha R.

Although February is the shortest month of the year, I think it's been my busiest month so far! In the first weekend of February, my host family and I drove... keep reading

Let's Talk Stereotypes

By Asha R.

When someone says "Germany" what pops into your head? Beer? Sauerkraut? Being punctual? Oktoberfest? As you hopefully already know, not all stereotypes are true. However, as an American teenager who... keep reading

Auf Wiedersehen in Frankfurt

By Asha R.

Since our friend Eliza is a semester exchange student, she left Germany to go back to the U.S. on January 15th. Will and I decided that we absolutely couldn't allow... keep reading


By Asha R.

December has been full of so many cool new Christmas traditions, but that's not all. At the beginning of this month, my host family had company over and we had... keep reading

Weihnachten in Köln

By Asha R.

There is no better way to celebrate Christmas in Germany than by going from one Weihnachtsmarkt to the next with your friends. Last Saturday I met up with four of... keep reading

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