Diversity and Inclusion in Study Abroad - Gilman Go Global Grants, GAIN Travel Grants, and the Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship

As we kick off Black History Month, we want to remind all of our partner schools and prospective students that CIEE is the leader in providing grants and scholarships to students of color and students from challenged socioeconomic backgrounds. If your school is committed to diversity and inclusion in study abroad, please encourage your students to apply for CIEE’s Gilman and Frederick Douglass grant programs.

CIEE Gilman Go Global Grants 

CIEE provides Gilman Go Global Grants to students who receive Benjamin A Gilman International Scholarships as well to students who apply for a Gilman scholarship but do not receive one. Summer and quarter students are also eligible for CIEE’s Gilman Go Global Grant and it’s easy to apply. Students just need to upload the first page of their FAFSA Student Aid Report and proof of application to the Gilman Scholarship by April 1.

GAIN Travel Grants

CIEE provides Pell-eligible students with GAIN Travel Grants to fund travel to their study abroad destination, which is one of the biggest barriers to study abroad for many students. 

Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship and Summer Scholars

Each year, CIEE fully funds ten students to participate in a four-week summer program that is focused on leadership, intercultural communication, and social justice. In addition, all students who complete their application for a Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship are automatically eligible for a $1,500 grant to attend a summer program.

This year, the Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship is being co-sponsored by Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs in honor of the 175th anniversary of the meeting in Dublin between 27-year-old Frederick Douglass and renowned Irish abolitionist Daniel O’Connell. The Fellows will trace the footsteps of Douglass’ journey through Ireland while learning leadership and intercultural communication skills.

Also of note, this year, for the first time, the Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship is open to students of color who attend any college or university in the U.S. We hope your exceptional students who meet the eligibility criteria, will apply for this prestigious award. The application deadline is February 14, Frederick Douglass adopted birthday. 

In closing, please spend a minute on this link to a recording of an outstanding program about Frederick Douglass’ time in Ireland that was hosted by the Museum of Literature Ireland and presented in partnership with the African American Irish Diaspora Network and Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs. The symposium featured Nettie Washington Douglass speaking with gratitude about Ireland’s warm welcome of her great-great-grandfather Frederick Douglass and about how his experiences there were transformative. It reminded me how lucky the next cohort of Frederick Douglass Global Fellows will be to meet and learn from Nettie when they study abroad in Ireland next summer.

Thank you for helping spread the word about CIEE grants and scholarships that prepare students from diverse backgrounds to gain the global perspective required to be an effective leader in today’s interconnected and multicultural world.