Yo gazpacho, tú gazpachas, él gazpacha...

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Justine Royer


This week has somehow been super long and super fast at the same time. Since we arrived last weekend, it seems like we've done tons but at the same time it's hard to believe that we're already a whole week in! It's awesome to see all the participants and leaders settling into the routine and beginning to appreciate the flow of life in Sevilla.

Today, we had the opportunity to dig right into my personal favorite aspect of culture, gastronomy. However, instead of just eating, we actually got to cook! (And then eat, of course.) The group separated into two, the first group heading out to make paella, and the second group learning to make gazpacho and tortilla española with Beth, Federico, and yours truly at the local market. Toward the end of the program we'll do this again and switch so everyone can have the same opportunities.

This day was especially fun because we were accompanied by a couple of native Sevillano teenagers, Abraham and Álvaro. The students had an entertaining time teaching their languages to one another.

PAELLA- groups 1 & 4 



Primero, pelar y cortar las patatas y cebollas. 

Entonces, freír las patatas y cebollas en aceite de oliva.

Mientras, preparar el gazpacho. Poner tomates, pimientos, ajo, pepinos, ajo, vinagre, aceite de oliva, sal, y agua fresca en la batidora. 

Colar bien la mezcla.

Sacar las patatas y cebollas del aceite, echar sal. 

Añadir los huevos.

Cocinar los dos lados.

¡¡A comer!!