Wandering in the Streets of Barcelona

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Dedipta B.

My journey in Barcelona, in true words, has been a bumpy ride. There's been so much that's happened within the span of two weeks. It feels like I've been here not for two weeks, but for a month because everyday consists of so much that often times it feels like I'm living three days in one. Like one time, in Costa Brava, I went swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, and etc. all in one day. Just yesterday I spent the day with my host family first at the mall, then at a concert, then another mini concert, and then a restaurant, finally ending the day at the beach. 

In this program, there's always so much to do and there's always people out here to help you. My host family is really nice and whenever there is something I want to try out, they have just the right place in mind to take me. For example, I like going to cafes a lot and my host mother took me over to one of the nicest cafes here called Sirvent. Now, on that specific day, I was going through the usual normal wave of homesickness, but when my host mother took me to the cafe, it instantly made my day better. However, it wasn't just the great coffee that made my day better it was more of the care my host mother showed me. While we headed over the cafe we talked a lot and what she said to me that day helped me a lot as it was advice I needed at the time. Her words prompted me to try new things and remember the fact that I'm in Barcelona. She helped me realize that I'm in a city I've always wanted to be at and now that I'm here I shouldn't shy away or close myself up to the opportunities. Thinking about her words makes me smile and a little teary as well because if it hadn't been for her words I wouldn't never taken the chance to learn how to swim. 

Now, everyday is sort of an adventure for me. Waking up, doing a fun activity with CIEE, going to class and improving my Spanish, and then spending the rest of my time wandering around the streets of Barcelona. It's kind of weird to be honest to be able to write about life in Barcelona and it feels like magic. By now, I've fallen in love with the city and all I can do now is fall deeper. I can't believe how two weeks has flown by and I can't wait to see what these next two weeks hold for me. For now, hasta luego y adiós.