Vive la Nature

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French Language & Culture

After one full week in "la grande ville de Paris", we headed to a small town to breathe in the fresh air and stroll around the gardens of the chateau of Sceaux.  We took the morning RER train to the town of Sceaux just outside of Paris.  Known for the castle of the minister of Louis IV, this visit offered students a glimpse into the life of an other era.  We walked with the guide through the working space or office of Colbert, Louis XIV's minister.  One can only imagine the meetings that took place here!  Most of the domaine is now a museum and public park where concerts and art exhibitions are held.  Our visit ended with a lovely picnic on the grounds.  Students enjoyed playing badminton and soccer, continuing to build relationships and experiences together.

 Our next stop was the actual town of Sceaux, only a short walk away.  Here we experienced market day!  At markets in France you can purchase olives, fruits and vegetables as well as products such as homemade soaps.  Some students enjoyed ice cream and pastries as they strolled through the stalls.  We ended our day with a lively activity at the Maison des Jeunes - similiar to a YMCA. Here we participated in two demonstrations - Brazilian Capoeira and Hip Hop!  Students learned moves of this form of martial arts which resembles danse and practiced with the young students in the group.  The Hip Hop instructors taught us steps and we put that all together in a dance.  Some students surprised us with their dancing skills!  Truly today was a day with something for everyone.