Venez danser pour la Fête de la Musique!

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Danielle Johnson

Throughout France, the longest day of the year is welcomed in a special way: with song and dance. Since 1982, cities and towns throughout the country have gathered to celebrate the solstice together in public spaces.

In Rennes, students experienced the city in one of its most lively annual moments. After morning French classes, our afternoon began with a workshop on traditional Breton music and dance, led by Philippe Montade of Dol-de-Bretagne. Philippe showed us how to work his accordéons (accordions) and cornemuses (bagpipes), explained different regional and functional varieties of both instruments, and performed several songs in both Breton and Gallo — two regional languages of Brittany.

We then went outside, where Philippe showed us how to dance to this music! See photos of our group dancing a traditional en dro dance en cercle (in the round). After our time with Philippe, students were allowed some time to visit the plentiful concerts in the streets and parks of Rennes!