Strolling Le Quartier Latin

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French Language & Culture
Photo for blog post Strolling Le Quartier Latin

Students in Paris began their afternoon with OZleFrancais, an interactive conversation in the neighboring community.  Speaking with locals is the best way to practice the language and students have been very successful introducing themselves and asking questions of Parisians. Some students even met some soccer fans.

Photo for blog post Strolling Le Quartier Latin
Street art

Next, our afternoon cultural activity introduced students to one of the oldest neighborhoods in Paris, le quartier Latin.  Since the Middle Ages, students have been studying in Paris, the center of European culture and learning.  Our CIEE students are no different.  They discovered the beautiful Latin Quarter yesterday as we strolled along the boulevard St. Michel known to Parisians as "Boul'Mich." Passing well-known sites such as La Cathédrale de Notre Dame de Paris, Le Panthéon and Le musée de Cluny, student learned the history of the Latin quarter and the tradition of academic learning here.  Bookstores, boutiques, and cafés, where locals come to gather, line the Boul'Mich.

Photo for blog post Strolling Le Quartier Latin

Our journey culminated with a stroll in one of the most beautiful gardens in Paris, Le Jardin de Luxembourg.  Photo ops galore!

Photo for blog post Strolling Le Quartier Latin