Speak to the Sea and It Shall Speak to Thee

Programs for this blog post

Australian Wildlife Conservation From Land to Sea

Authored By:

Le Tran

Our students have been reflecting on the ways in which the ocean's presence impacts Australia's way of life as well as the lessons one can gain from observing its natural beauty and resources. We spent Saturday morning walking along the coast during low tide, which allowed students to walk farther out into the ocean and observe its way of life. The educator guide talked with students through the history, relationship, and conversation efforts of aborginal peoples in this region.

Later, we walked along Palm Beach and embarked on a scenic hiked up to a lighthouse which provided gorgeous views of the ocean and bays. We even got to catch dolphins swimming along the beach! For some of our students, coming to Australia brought with it their first time hiking. From this experience, all of them said they'd love to continue hiking and exploring the outdoors.

After a long and exciting day trip, the team bonded over board games in the evening.

In a gear switch, the group spent Sunday morning touring the cricket grounds and got to try their hands at the sport.