Semaine 4- Déjà!? Week 4- Already!?

Programs for this blog post

French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Elaina Loyd

Semaine 4- Déjà!? 


We’re in the last week of our program, and we can’t believe it! Students are beginning to realize that their time here in Paris is coming to an end. Their task this week has included making a bucket list of things to do before they leave Paris. Some of their bucket lists include eating escargot (snails!), visiting one of Paris’ many famous museums, or spending some great moments with their host families. 


This week students are visiting three sites in Paris. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week students are visiting the area of Montmartre, Fragonard perfume museum, and Paris Plages (beaches) next to the Seine. Thursday is the day that students have the afternoon free to plan their last minute visit that they must do before returning to the U.S., and Friday is when we have our farewell soirée.

 We’re all soaking up everything we can this week before we have to say Au Revoir! (goodbye) …. But maybe it’s more À la prochaine! (See you next time!)