Meeting French Friends

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Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Emma Butler

On Friday, several French teens came to meet with the Global Navigators. Students were able to put what they have learned in class into practice! In small groups, students shared about their friends, families, towns, houses, hobbies, classes, and much more! Students conversed with their French peers and compared and contrasted their cultures. Students were suprised to learn that a French student had learned English, Spanish, Chinese, and Italian in school, while the French students were surprised to learn that American teens can begin driving with a permit at 15.5! Both American and French students lamented over the tests they must take in high school- the SAT/ACT and the Bac in France. Plans were made by the students to continue the conversation at a local café and to meet again to play games. We are looking forward to the next rencontre!