El Ateneo

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Spanish Language & Argentinian Culture

Authored By:

Cailey Oehler

On Monday we returned from a delightful weekend of rest, excursions with host families, and sunny weather. After class we ate lunch in small conversation groups at typical Argentian restaurants near the CIEE Global Institute and strolled to the Ateneo bookstore to seek out locals to speak with for that day's community conversation tasks. In the historic Recoleta neighborhood the Ateneo is conveniently near CIEE and has been called the most beautiful bookstore in the world by National Geographic, so we couldn't pass up the chance to visit while in Buenos Aires! The Ateneo showcases work by local writers and musicians, inviting students to delve into the literary and musical culture of Buenos Aires, and is situated in the gorgeous former Grand Splendid theatre building. In the early 20th century it seated 500 spectators and hosted competitions and performances featuring local performers, making the Grand Splendid a significant contributor to the development of local musical styles. In the 1920s it hosted a radio broadcast station on which the unequaled Carlos Gardel sang his tango debut. The project of converting the since-closed theatre into the bookstore it currently hosts began in 2000. Today pianists still accompany readers on the stage-turned-café. The striking oil paintings depicting scenes from the first World War are preserved on the cupula ceiling, inviting deeper contemplation of history and current events. Students explored the bookstore's offerings with friends and talked with bookstore employees and fellow customers about their favorite sites to visit in Buenos Aires, the books and magazines that are most popular in the city and that they most enjoy reading, and the performances and artworks that have most impacted them. It was a wonderful afternoon filled with opportuntiy to learn about and participate in Argentinian culture in a beautiful setting.