"Clap for Yourselves": The Joys of Service

Programs for this blog post

Leadership & Service in Children's Education

Authored By:

RaeKenya Walker

Every weekday around 9am, you can hear the sweet sounds of the Ghanaian morning. Sounds of roosters crowing and trucks honking fill the air but the sweetest sound of all is the welcome we receive from the students at Shalom Home School and Christah International School. We are graciously greeted with smiles, songs and hugs as we prepare to work with the Ghanaian teachers in the classroom. The students prepare for the day by reciting the Ghanaian National Anthem and National Pledge. Our Global Navigators share their National Anthem and Pledge as
well and we all march to the classrooms together.

Our Global Navigators work inside the classroom as pairs and help with whatever is needed. They use their leadership skills to teach classes, soothe cries, help with exams and draw learning aids for the classrooms. The Global Navigators have expressed how rewarding the
service has been so far and some are even considering a career in education. One thing is forsure, the students at Shalom Home School and Christah International School are keeping our Global Navigators on their toes! As an educator and a former PeaceCorps education volunteer,
it makes my heart happy to see the navigators leaning into their roles as co-teachers and leaders.