Au Musée Des Beaux-Arts

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Kristin Montgomery

This week's theme is creativity, so in class students are talking about film, art, and music with their teachers.  Today's activity to the art musuem in Rennes was a perfect chance for students to explore art.  

Students were free to explore the museum, but had to take a photo of their favorite work of art and describe it (in French of course!) to a Program Leader.  Students had all sorts of favorite works of art and a few even recognized some of the artists that had works exhibited.  

The museum has a variety of collections from classical paintings to archeology to Islamic art.  There are even Egyptian mummies including a mummy of a cat! 

A unique piece that many students liked was the Valerie's Snack Bar interactive exhibit by British artist Jeremy Deller.  It was a replica of a typical British snack bar from the 80's and students could get free coffee, tea or the very French water and grenadine or mint syrup. It's a great example of living, interactive art.

Our Global Navigators will have a lot to talk about in class tomorrow!