4th Week in Tokyo!

Programs for this blog post

Japanese Language & Culture

Authored By:

Emily Stocker

We are 3 weeks and 1 day into our time in Tokyo and the students are gaining the experince of a lifetime. One of the students on the program, Tim, shares his experience below:

"Here is some insight on my experience and how euphoric being on this program makes me. Before this program, I was incredibly excited to have been accepted and honestly I was pretty scared that I would be sorely disappointed upon starting this program, but I can safely say that this is not the case. Currently, I am having the time of my life and I have NOT FELT HOMESICK a single time. I got to talk to and build relationships with so many different people and all of that was and is so much fun, though I am an extrovert so that may be why I like this so much. It has been so much fun hanging out with new friends and going to all these new places. For example, last Wednesday I went to karaoke with a bunch of people and I can honestly say that that was a blast. I think I can speak for the majority of students when I say a sincere “Thank You” to all the legal guardians that signed off on this trip and allowed all of us to be here."

The students are speaking in their target language during their morning classes, afternoon cultural actrivites, and with their homestay families. Their speaking skills have improved in just the first 3 weeks that they even play Japanese speaking games during quick breaks between activties. The students have grown in many ways, achieving academic goals and personal goals that they set at the beginning of the program. They are sad to say goodbye to this beautiful country soon!