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Martha Shtapura-Ifrah

Hometown: Haifa, Israel

Martha Shtapura-Ifrah is a trained educational counselor specializing in multi-cultural counseling.  She graduated summa cum laude from the City University of New York majoring in Psychology and minoring in English and received her M.A. degree in Counseling and Human Development from the Haifa University in Israel. During her academic career, Martha has conducted research on cross-cultural differences in help-seeking behavior and participated in an international research exchange program in Geramny on the topic of diversity in education.

Having been born in the USSR, raised in Israel and spent much of her adult life in the US, Martha has a particular interest in advancing intercultural and communication and dialogue. She has been leading projects on shared existence, including interfaith dialogue groups for college students and adults and leadership programs for Arab and Jewish teenagers. She has also been engaged in creating and facilitating workshops in English, Hebrew and Russian, focusing on intercultural communication, learning strategies, stress-management, education for healthy relationships and sexual assault prevention.

In her spare time, she enjoys writing, photography and travelling with her family. 




By Martha Shtapura-Ifrah at CIEE

A word from the Resident Director: Spring is finally here and everything is in bloom! The green-roof project on top of the Student House and the International School brings spring... keep reading

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