Domian Republic
CIEE Staff

Justine Royer

Leadership & Service in Youth Development
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

¡Hola! Soy Justine. Soy profe de castellano en Pittsburgh, PA. I love teaching and traveling, and it is my privilege to be a program leader for CIEE! 



Bailando Flamenco en Sevilla ¡Olé!

By Justine Royer at CIEE

Hola Hola! Just a quick update about all the awesome stuff HSSA Seville Session II has been up to. I can hardly believe we're already halfway through the program! As... keep reading


Yo gazpacho, tú gazpachas, él gazpacha...

By Justine Royer at CIEE

¡Buenas! This week has somehow been super long and super fast at the same time. Since we arrived last weekend, it seems like we've done tons but at the same... keep reading


Yo gazpacho, tú gazpachas, él gazpacha...

By Justine Royer at CIEE

¡Buenas! This week has somehow been super long and super fast at the same time. Since we arrived last weekend, it seems like we've done tons but at the same... keep reading

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