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Profile photo of
CIEE Staff

Candice Kordis

Inside World Governance
Hometown: Oceanside, California

Candice is a veteran educator with over 20 years in public schools teaching everything from Economics to Government to AVID and Theory of Knowledge. Her invovlement with the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program provided her many opportunites to encourage students in the path of intercultural education. Candice coached both Basketball and Track & Field at the high school where she currently teaches.  She enjoys an active lifestyle which includes a passion for travel.  Candice is a proud parent of a 16-year old who adores sharing their passion for tea and plants.



Politics & Culture Intersections

By Candice Kordis at CIEE

World Government students kicked off Session II ready to experience as much of Amsterdam as possible. In just the first few days, students explored the local neighborhood of Oost, Dam... keep reading

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