Basetsana Maposa

Basetsana Maposa

Center Director
  • Locations
    • Gaborone, Botswana


  • Basetsana Maposa returned to Botswana in 2008 after spending 10 years living in the United States. She has extensive experience working in health, youth leadership, human rights, and educational development. She joined CIEE after working at Research Triangle Institute International, Botswana’s Most-At-Risk Population HIV Prevention Program, and the Academy for Educational Development Capable Partners Program Center on AIDS and Community Health, where she worked with national and local partners on Peace Corps grants. Additionally, Basetsana worked with the Botswana Ministry of Health, where she implemented school health programs and youth interventions. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Mansfield University, as well as two master’s degrees, in public health and international affairs, from Ohio University.