What it's like to live with a host family in China?

Authored By:

Meilyn Asuncion

Photo for blog post What it's like to live with a host family in China?

*DISCLAIMER not all experiences when living with a host family will be the same. I'm just sharing my experience!

   I admit it, at first I had my fears about living in an entirely different country, with an entirely new family for an entire month! I mean, who wouldn't be at sixteen years old, and especially when you barely know how to say hello in the native language. For what it's worth, I was equally as excited as I was scared. 

Photo for blog post What it's like to live with a host family in China?

  After finally meeting my host family I learned that it really wasn't anything to be afraid of. I was paired with a really loving family, who loves everything about me. Every single morning, my mom prepares breakfast, tells me how very beautiful or "很漂亮" I am, and then walks me (arm in arm) and a classmate who lives close by to school. My host dad practically makes it his mission to help me with my “not homework but chinese practice” homework everyday after school. Together they both try their best to make sure that I am as comfortable and as happy as I could be while under their care.
Photo for blog post What it's like to live with a host family in China?

There's not a day that goes by where I am ever not thankful for everything that these wonderful strangers have done for me. Even though they don't speak English and 我的中文不好 my family and I have a really close bond, and I can honestly say that I really will miss 我的中国家人。

Side Note: With them, a month doesn't seem that long anymore ;)

Written By: Tyriana Terrell

Houston, Texas