Two poems - Nathan Weagraff

Authored By:

Nicola Lazenby

Here are two poems I wrote about experiences I have had while on the program. The first poem details my experience at the Apartheid Museum where I began to truly appreciate how real and atrocious the issue of civil rights was and is in South Africa. The second poem is a compilation of thoughts I had about humans, nature, and life in general while hiking Lions Head. Please be sure to read the lines both down and back up in the second poem (as is evidenced by the title). Thank you! 



It make sense now 

Why we live within a sphere, peering through a window

Killing without death

Indulging without consequence 

We have successfully denied it

And closed our eyes

Before we are torn to shreds

We can see only what our

Senses observe

So that those who lose a mirror 

Lose instead their face

That the mouse is immortal in a 

Lion’s den

Until it realizes its mistake


 esreveR ytinretE

Without an end;

the ideal

Eternity fulfills

Would it be less of a mystery

If we understood ourselves as animals;

Occurrences without explanation

We are convinced there are no

Final ends. 

The circular paradox of

Evolution and demise

It knows we could never love the 

Temporal beauty.

Man concealed within a dream is 


Without an