Student Takeover by Camille Kerner

Programs for this blog post

Leadership & Service in Youth Development

Authored By:

Emma Hauser

On the first day in Santiago, we had orientation on a mountain where we learned all about the dangers of traveling, prevention and where we were introduced to just the beginning of delicious Dominican food. The same day, we took a short hike to a beatifuk waterfall, above were dancing dragonflies. The next day we arrived at ciudad Santa Maria- where we helped dig a foundation for a theatre in the arts school, to give kids further opportunities to express themselves and have a path to higher education here in Santiago. At ciudad Santa Maria, we met and spoke with kids who attend school there and adults who run the programs. The people here already seem so nice and pretty goofy too. The next day, we finished digging the foundation, and then I met the love of my life. I had gone to the bathroom at the school, and when I was walking back to the theatre area I spotted her. A small dark one scrambling around in the trash with a dainty walk. I couldn’t resist so I walked over and looked into her eyes, dark brown with goop in the inner corners spoke to me, chanting “pet me, please.” The love, the connection was already evident. And so I allowed it to be a quick fling, and so we said goodbye and moved onto the next organization...