Paella for Twelve

Authored By:

Avery Stern

Our trip is winding down, but fret not because we are now professional chefs, returning home ready to start a 5-star restaurant. 

On Tuesday night we crossed over the bridge into the neighborhood of Triana and took a fantastic cooking class in the Triana Market. We had the whole place to ourselves which meant a lot of frivolity and laughter, in addition to homemade gazpacho and paella. Our hosts prepared for two different types of paella and taught us how to cook both a vegetarian and more traditional version - both made on a special paella stove that allows you to control the flame so each ingredient is cooked to caramlized perfection. 

After chopping, mincing, sauteeing, blending, and even deboning a chicken, we had ourselves an authentic Spanish feast. Turns out most of the group isn't a fan of gazpacho, but their fearless leader..ehem, me...was thrilled to have all of their tasty soup. The meal had us all in such a good mood that we lingered at the market almost until curfew, then scurried home in time to get some rest. Today is our last full day of class, and everyone is editing their film before tomorrow's merienda and cinematic experience. Good thing we are well-fed and energized.