New Places and New Friends
Written by Jemmy De Leon
Getting to Know Acción Callejera
This morning started with the pick up at the meeting points, participants were very excited to start the first day of service at Acción Callejera, an NGO that offers support services to youth in need impacting the life and environment of children and teenagers at social risk at all their ways. The main center is located in Calle del Sol, which is close to the city center of Santiago. The main purpose is to work to create better conditions for the promotion and defense of local children’s fundamental rights, students spent time with kids from the NGO and there were drawing and fun moments.

Youth Development Class and Progressive Dinner
In the afternoon, students were in a class with Lissette to talk about the program and the different branches that are composed to work on youth development, sharing about themselves and getting to know the instructor. To conclude the day, the group visited each others’ homestay homes to meet the different host families, connect with one another, and try different meals. Throughout the experience, students learned new Spanish words, listened to music, and connected more with other students in the program, sharing stories, jokes, and experiences from their individual perspectives, and playing soccer with kids in the community. Finally, the night ended with students being taken to their homestays.
Service with Rafey Kids
Today, the day started with students being picked up at their homestays, and making a short trip to the NGO location in Rafey where students were able to share oats, chocolate cookies, and orange juice, while listening and dancing to music. Then, the students spent time playing various games with the NGO kids, including basketball and hula hoop. The students also shared funny moments, drew pictures, and braided each others' hair. There were smiles all morning and excitement for the continuation of fun tomorrow!

Stay tuned!