Makin' Art, Seein' Art

Authored By:

Avery Stern

Buenas Dias a Todos, 

It's Thursday morning here in sunny Sevilla and in the past two days we've explored a number of beautiful and tucked-away places in the city. On Tuesday evening, we headed to the Museo de Belles Artes. Our tour guide, Julia, lead us through a "selife" game in which we had to seek and find famous paintings, all of which held an important historical significance. One such painting was of a stiff woman looking rather unhappy in her pose. Julia explained that given the 8-10 hour painting process, models were disuaded from smiling in the one and only selfie of their lifetime. We then took a number of smiley selfies, to make up for the painted lady's pouty face. 

On Wednesday, we walked through the Jewish Quarter "Santa Cruz" and shuffled single-file through the narrow, labrynth like streets. Alejendro even took us to his favorite childhood square, so discrete in the neighborhood that you'd mistake it for a deadend road. The trees formed a beautiful canopy, sheltering us from the strong afternoon sun. In the name of storytelling both through film and photography, Alejandro spun stories of local lore as well. Did you know that there's a corner right outside of the CIEE study center dedicated to a fabled prince, once beheaded by his own step-brother? That was one of a dozen engaging stories shared. Always more to come! En gurade, y adiós por ahora.