Gymkhana fun!

Programs for this blog post

Honors Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Nicoletta Feldman

Can you believe that there are only two full days left of program?

The last week certainly snuck up on us, but our Global Navigators are making the most of it! Today, they participated in a gymkhana – a scavenger hunt – all throughout the city. They had to answer questions about Spain, Spanish culture, and some of our program activities. "Who are the king and queen of Spain?," "Name 4 words in Valenciano," "Name 5 Spanish words that come from Arabic," and "What is the name of the river that runs through Madrid Río?" are just a few examples. Some questions even included going to different places, like the Plaza Mayor, Retiro Park, and La Plaza de Isabel II, and taking group selfies. So much fun!

Just about an hour after we started, our winners arrived back to the CIEE center. They waited paitently as PL Parisa marked their paper, and excitement spread across their faces when Parisa told them that all their answers were correct. Laly, Tricia, Bruno, and Gerry blew their competition out of the water, as the next group didn't arrive for at least 15 minutes. With an Amazing Race-esque finish, these four surely took the name "Global Navigator" to the next level!

The race for second place, however, was not so cut and dry. The second group arrived, but not all of their answers were correct. As they scrambled to correct their answers, the third group – Alex, Bernie, Canyon, and Three – arrived, and in a photo finish, were able to steal the crown for second place. 

Although prizes were only available to first and second place, all groups had a great time and enjoyed exploring the city in the process. Here's to having the most incredible two final days in the most incredible city!